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Your soul knows the geography of your destiny.
Your soul alone has the map of your future,
therefore you can trust in this indirect, oblique
side of yourself. If you do, it will take you
where you need to go, but more important
it will teach you a kindness of rhythm
in your journey.
— John O'Donohue

Calista Sordelet is the creator of Compassionate Clarity Coaching™. She is a masterful coach—highly intuitive and whole brained, adept at finding creative solutions.

The philosophy and purpose of Compassionate Clarity Coaching is a direct reflection of her life journey, education, training, professional experience and personal growth. A graduate of Stanford University with a masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from Western Seminary, she has pursued a broad scope of growth and study as she has worked in full time private practice as a marriage and family therapist for over 21 years.

Calista is naturally gifted with insight and wisdom. She has spent thousands of hours sitting with precious souls, listening, helping, and learning with them. Calista can be considered a seeker, always pursuing new learning and personal growth and naturally attracts those ready to do the same.

Her personal and professional life continue to evolve bringing fresh challenge and creativity. As a growth seeker, it is a natural alignment for Calista to journey with people since she considers each day a new opportunity for personal growth and change. Calista expanded into personal consulting because of the evolution of her own philosophy, as it allows her to play with her own ideas while still utilizing her training and education.

Branching into personal consulting caused Calista to further synthesize her own ideas and opinions about people, personal growth, how it works, and why it’s important. Compassionate Clarity Coaching is the end result. She is very excited and sees lots of opportunity for new learning—a life giving pursuit!
